Who is Shauna Chin?
Original article: http://jablogz.com/2016/02/who-is-shauna-chin/
As actress Shauna Chin wins her tussle over the name since threatening Gully Bop’s ex-fiance for trademark infringement, the entertainer now known as ‘Chin Chin’ trashed the actress in the media for turning her back on her country and now trying to use her name for cheap publicity.
In a press release, she said in reference to posts made by the actress on social media “Instead of feeding the homeless in LA, why don’t you do that for your fellow countrymen?”
How about coming here on a trip and help single mothers who are struggling, and others who need help here.
We as the lucky ones who get the break should look back on our lives and help our black maroons. For the “big” Jamaican actress you are, you should be showing your face more often in the papers and represent your country.”
So The Jamaican Blogs™ did a little digging and what we found might surprise you:
Actress Shauna Chin
1.The actress indeed doesn’t have a lot of followers, but then again Jesus only had 12 disciples. Also, in a digital age where one can buy a slew of followers (see Intertwitter) who can really compare followers.
2.The actress’ Instagram (@shaunachin) proves she does quite an extensive bit of work for Jamaica and not just on the local level. She was actually appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador to Jamaica and lends her time at the Consulate of Jamaica in Los Angeles. Go figure! Immediately next to a photo of her feeding the homeless in Los Angeles, the actress is pictured with a group of children. According to the caption, for the last 3 years the actress has been reading to the students of the Marcus Garvey Elementary school in LA to promote literacy in children. More recently, she was pictured at the Federal Building discussing immigration and deportation issues as it relates to Jamaicans. That doesn’t sound like a person who turned their back on their country.
3.This was the most surprising: other than her initial response to emphasize that neither she nor her team leaked that story to the media, the actress has indeed been quiet about the controversy over the name.
Remember, there are always two sides to a story. What are your thoughts?